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Eroica Triple Disk Grandfather Clock,
Synphonion Company, Leipzig, ca. 1895
Synphonion Company, Leipzig, ca. 1895
This magnificent clock, standing over eight feet tall, plays three mechanical musical disks simultaneously for an incredibly rich sound with unusual harmonies and echoes. This recording was made during a special exhibit at the Museum os The National Association of watch and Clock Collectors (NAWCC) in Columbia, Pa.
We are grateful to the owners Elise and Marty Roenigk for permission to record their clock and to Nancy Fratti, Panchronia Antiquities for her help in arranging the recording.
This spectacular and familiar melody is a recording from and original Regina, Style 26, music box. The Regina Company was founded in 1892 in Rahway, New Jersey and was the foremost American manufacturer of music boxes that were renowned for their brilliance and tone.
We are most grateful to Nancy Fratti, Panchronia Antiquities, for allowing us to use these fine digital recordings.
This beautiful and familiar melody is a recoding from an original Bremond cylinder music box. Cylinder music boxes were developed in the latter part of the 18th century, originally in Switzerland. Their exquisite sound resulted from years of technology development during the mechanical age.
We are most grateful to Nancy Fratti, Panchronia Antiquities, for allowing us to use this fine digital recording.
This stunning piece was digitally recorded from a Polyphon coin operated music box, circa 1900. It was provided by Vincent Freeman Antiques, London, for which we are eternally grateful.
In the late 1800's, an English inventor Ellis Parr, devised a method to pluck a musical comb on a rotating disc rather than the traditional use of pins on a rotating cylinder (so called Swiss music boxes). This created a new, much loved sound together with lower production costs and was quickly exploited by German companies such as Polyphon and Symphonion.
The box recorded here contains both a musical comb and bells and is the epitome of fine music boxes.
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